about this site

me irl ⇧
Hi, I'm glad you stumbled upon my little corner of the internet! I would really appreciate it if you'd sign my guestbook, as that shows me people actually see my website :3
I'm 23 years old and I live in Sweden! I may or may not be Pingu irl. he/him, please

What brings me here?
When I found out about NeoCities I was intrigued; I've always loved forums and with the rise of social media, something felt missing. While I could find some sense of community in hobby and fandom spaces, there's just something special about how close knit forums used to be, and how surfing the web could be such an adventure! I wanted to find that part of the internet again and this seemed like a good place to start :)
I've spent many years in and out of Tumblr, where I was able to almost fully customise my very own page for the first time ever! I remain very fond of Tumblr but as of late I'd been itching to be able to make something of my own, in a format where I have more freedom. And so this page was born!
I'm active on the Melonland Forum, my profile there is linked below. Highly recommend the forum if you're into old web revival :)
find me elsewhere